counting mark The magnetic field of the earth
Lattice structures of the earth magnetic field
Impressum Copyright © Klaus Piontzik  
 German Version    
German Version    


In this alphabetical list, the given tips show a very shortened version of the book
The book contains a total of 1530 literature tips and 1900 entries in the register of names


Baumer, Hans
Die Meteorotopie eines Dichromat-Gelantinesystems
Technischer Informationsdienst
Abteilung Technik und Forschung
Fachbereich Tiefdruck
Bundesverband Druck e.V., II 1982

Das natürliche elektromagnetische Impulsspektrum der Atmosphäre
Archives for metereology, geophysics and
Springer Verlag, Ser A 31, 249-261, 1982

Begich, Nick
Manning, Jeane
Löcher im Himmel
Angels don't play this HAARP, 1995
deutsch 1996, Verlag Zweitausendeins

Benker, Anton
Strahlenkunde mit dem Benker-Kuben-System
Selbstverlag H. Grote

Berckhemer, Hans
Grundlagen der Geophysik
1990, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft

Bird, Christopher
Tompkins, Peter
Die Geheimnisse der guten Erde
Secrets of the Soil, 1989
deutsch 1991, Omega Verlag Bongart-Meier

Bird, Christopher
Die weissagende Hand
The Divining Hand, 1979
deutsch 1987, Weltbild Verlag

Bird, Christopher
Planetary Grid
Zeitschrift New Age Journal
Mai 1975

Bischof, Marco
Der Kristallplanet
Ideengeschichte der globalen Gitternetze
Zeitschrift Hagia Chora
Nr.7 (2000/2001) - Nr.19 (August 2004)

Brauch, Wolfgang
Dreyer, Hans-Joachim
Haacke, Wolfhart
Mathematik für Ingenieure
6. überarbeitete Auflage
Teubner Verlag Stuttgart, 1981

Busse, F.H.
A model of the Geodynamo
1975, Geophys.J.R.Astr.Soc.Vol42,S.437-459

Schwingungen und Wellen
Berkeley Physik Kurs 3
Friedr. Vieweg+Sohn Verlag
Braunschweig, 1979

Die kosmische Oktave
Synthesis Verlag
Essen, 1984

Europäisches Parlament
STOA - Bewertung Wissenschaftlicher und Technologischer Optionen
Die physiologischen und umweltrelevanten Auswirkungen nicht ionisierender elektromagnetischer Strahlung
Generaldirektion Wissenschaft – Direktion A
Pe Nr.297574
März 2001

European Union
Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazard from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitiv in vitro Methods
Program: Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources
Mai 2004

Gerthsen, Christian
Kneser, H.O.
Vogel, Helmut
Springer Verlag, 1977

Gontscharow, N. F.
Makarow, W.A.
Morosow, W.S.
Zeitschrift Chimija i Zisn (Chemie und Leben)
Nr. 3, März 1974

Green, W.L.
Vestiges of the Molten Globe
London, E. Stanford, 1875-87

Krankheit als Standortbestimmung
Karl F. Haug Verlag, 1964

Broschüre: Mensch-Vitalität-Erdmagnetfeld
International Institute For Research
on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Graz, 2007

Katalyse e.V.
Elektrosmog - Gesundheitsrisiken, Grenzwerte, Verbraucherschutz
Verlag C.F. Müller
Heidelberg, 1994

Kirschvink, J. L. and Woodford, B.J.
Superparamagnetism in the human brain
In Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society
Salt Lake City, Utah, 80, 1991

Kirschvink J.L., Kobayashi -Kirschvink A.K., Woodford B.J.
Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89 (16), 7683-7687
Caltech, Pasadena, August 1992
Leitgeb, Norbert

Lundquist, C.A.
Veis, G.
Geodetic parameters for a 1966 Smithsonian
Institution Standard Earth.
SAO Spec.Rep200,Cambridge/Mass. 1966

McLean S., Macmillan S., Maus S., Lesur V., Thomson A., Dater D.
The US/UK World Magnetic Model for 2005-2010
NOAA Technical Report NESDIS/NGDC-1, December 2004

Nevanlinna, H.
Pesonen, L.J.
Blomster, R.
Earth magnetic field charts (IGRF1980)
Geological Survey of Finnland Report

Nimtz, Günter
Mäcker, Susanne
Mannheim, 1994

Prumbach, Siegfried
Die pentagonale Energiestruktur der Erde
Zeitschrift Hagia Chora
Nr.3, 1999

Purcel, Edward M.
Elektrizität und Magnetismus
Berkeley Physik Kurs 2
1979, Friedr. Vieweg+Sohn Verlag

Stamm Andreas
Untersuchungen zur Magnetfeldexposition der Bevölkerung im Niederfrequenzbereich
VDE-Verlag, 1993

Stieglitz, R.
Müller, U.
Kann man das Magnetfeld im Labor simulieren?
1999, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA 6223

A hypothesis concerning the absorption of Atmospherics in photo gelatin films
Int. J. Biometeor, 1983
Vol 27, nr.2, 125-131

Torge, Wolfgang
1975, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York
Sammlung Göschen 2163

Weiss, Walter
1975, Verlag Anton Scholl & Co


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 Das Buch zur Website - Gitterstrukturen des Erdmagnetfeldes

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Production and Publishing company:
Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt

ISBN 9-783833-491269

Store price: 35 Euro

380 sides
72 pictures of it 51 in colour
55 tables
1530 literature references
1900 entries in the register of names

The Advanced Book: Planetary Systems
The theory, which is developed in this book is based on the remake and expansion of an old idea. It was the idea of a central body, preferably in the shape of a ball, formed around or in concentric layers. Democritus was the first who took this idea with his atomic theory and thereby introduced himself to the atoms as fixed and solid building blocks.
Is the atom used as a wave model, that allows to interpret concentric layers as an expression of a spatial radial oscillator so you reach the current orbital model of atoms.
Now, this book shows that these oscillatory order structures, described by Laplace’s equation, on earth and their layers are (geologically and atmospherically) implemented. In addition the theory can be applied on concentric systems, which are not spherical but flat, like the solar system with its planets, the rings that have some planets and the moons of planets or also the neighbouring galaxies of the milky way. This principle is applicable on fruits and flowers, such as peach, orange, coconut, dahlia or narcissus.
This allows the conclusion that the theory of a central body as a spatial radial oscillator can be applied also to other spherical phenomena such as spherical galactic nebulae, black holes, or even the universe itself. This in turn suggests that the idea of the central body constitutes a general principle of structuring in this universe as a spatial radial oscillator as well as macroscopic, microscopic and sub microscopic.
  Planetary Systems

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Der Autor - Klaus Piontzik