Impressum | Copyright © Klaus Piontzik | |
German Version |
WMM 2015 |
Here you can receive the complete model of the WMM 2015 in form of Pdf-files. |
IGRF 11 |
Here you can receive all maps of the IGRF 11. |
World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto |
Interesting information and pictures to the temporary stability of the earth magnetic field |
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy |
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program |
These are the official Haarp homepage |
Haarp in the Wikipedia |
National Center for Biotechnology Information |
Extensive library with scientific publications |
The book to the website - The website to
the book at time is the book only in german language available |
Table of contents for the book |
The book to the website - The website to
the book at time is the book only in german language available |
The Advanced Book: Planetary Systems |